All Episodes
Displaying 61 - 69 of 69 in total
You Feelin' Froggy, Then Leap...
Face to face truths can be very painful, however En La Placita chooses to see otherwise. Listen along to better understand what we're talking about. "ribbit ribbit..."
And If You Don't Know...Ya Tu Sabes
Come grab a seat at our table for more Q&A, a shocker, and more giggles.
Dig A Little Deeper, Ya Dig?
Get to know a little about the hosts from En La Placita with a little Q&A.
90'S Baby Part Two
Did you listen to Episode 4? But wait, there's more.
90's Baby
Join us as we discuss the greatest era that ever existed...according to us anyway.
Stay In Your Lane (F.A.S.)
F.A.S. - Fear, Anxiety, and Stress are things we all deal with. Let's talk about it.
Positive Vibes
Let's just all think positive thoughts.
The Placita Pilot
In The Placita Pilot, we're diving into what we see, hear, smell, or taste here in your Placita.
Welcome to En La Placita
Just a little sneak peak of who En La Placita is all about.